Thursday, September 19, 2013


I've been itching to write a blog about friendship for like a year or maybe longer than that. And now I am so excited to share.  

First, I'm going to define friendship. No, Merriam-Webster dictionary is. It says "the state of being friends, the quality or state of being friend."

Let me define friendship according to my perspective. For me, friendship is a relationship between/among persons that DOESN'T include JEALOUSY, BETRAYAL (The words are in capital letters just for emphasis not because of bitterness or anything) and that EVOLVES around  LOVE, TRUST, SUPPORT and UNDERSTANDING.

Friends are there through your UPS AND DOWNS.

Friends support you even with your FAILURES or ACHIEVEMENTS.

Friends are there to guide you through your MISTAKES and CERTAINTIES. 

I think real friends are there with you no matter what happens. Distance, that should not be a factor. Communication will always be there, believe me, I know. 

And through the years, I have proven that time is really not a basis of what real friendship is. I have found real friends in college. And that is just 3 years ago. They are 3 of my best friends. I know I can trust them. I have friends since pre-elementary and where are they now? Uhm...I don't know. I feel like you call them friends but they're really not. I am sure that whoever you are reading this can testify to that. Although my cousin and I have been inseparable since the day she was born. FYI, I am just four days older than her. 

I have a lot of friends, acquaintance I might say. But my real friends, I can count them on my fingers. Those friends whom I can trust, tell everything and not judge me. 

I hope you readers have found hour real riends too. :)

Shout out to Mia who told me she thought I copied this from a thought catalog. I'm flattered, actually. :)
